"The Testimony of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy" Rev. 19:10
Father God through Apostle Paul, not your pastor or a dispensational Ph.D. theologian,"I wish you all spoke with tongues, but even more that you prophesied; for he who prophesies is greater than he who speaks with tongues, unless indeed he interprets, that the church may receive edification." 1 Cor. 14:5
Click Photos for prophesies/Words from Loving LORD given to ministers to show true Spirit of prophesy. What is so weird is that in the Old Testament prophecies and prophets were accepted norm - albeit many were false. So much more so should prophecy by Holy Spirit be norm for all New Testament believers and chURches! We are to discern and intercede - never judge! We are fruit inspectors, not the Farm Owner. Remember Old Testament David was per New Testament apostles a prophet and wonderful man of God. His sins were completely forgiven and forgotten as he obeyed Word from Loving LORD shared by prophet Nathan. So we also. Amen!

(Click Photo) Word of Exhortation shared at Catalyst Conference. Andy Stanley proved himself to be more congruent and sincere than many pentecostal preachers who are just modern day Diotrephes.
(Click Photo) Father God's miraculous ministry to deliver from demons, heal and save! Holy Spirit ministry as a businessman doing $Ms in biz. You can do also when Jesus is first love!

Rev. Christopher M. Hunt, Sr. Ph.D.
Rev. Christopher M. Hunt, Sr. Ph.D.
Link to my personal testimony video